Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12

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Go to the Lighthouse.
Go downstairs.
Go to Squallmart.
Go back into Squallmart.
Purchase the Goggles ($30,000).
Go to the Library.
Talk to Emily.
Go to the Parlor.
If you don't have them, gather the ingredients to craft Jasmine Massage Oil: Basic Container, Love Potion, Jasmine, and Rosa Moss. If you need a Love Potion you can purchase it from Albert at the Lighthouse. Once you have the ingredients go the the Shrine and craft the oil.
Go to the Parlor.
Talk to Emily.
Give Emily the Jasmine Massage Oil.
Scene with Emily and Pricia.
You can now sell all of your plants in bulk by using the grey container. Selling in bulk will also sell all of your Love Potions and Jasmine.
Go to the Library.
Talk to Emily.
Earn Emily's sixth heart.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-1.webp

You can now purchase Love Potions in bulk. The more you buy the cheaper they are. Click on the grey stand to the right of the desk to purchase potions.
Go to the Mansion.
Enter through the left door.
Go down into the Treasure Room.

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Grab the Cockroach by the stairs down.
Go to Janet's Home.
Enter the house.
Use a Cockroach.
Go upstairs.
Use a Cockroach.
Go to Janet's Bedroom.
Use a Cockroach.
Go to the Lighthouse.
Talk to Albert.
Go to the Mansion.
Follow Sofia into the Mansion.

Go to the left door.
Scene with Janet and Kaley.
Go to Janet's Home.
Receive a call from Diana.
Receive a call from Janet.
Janet wants a few things from her home.
Enter Janet's Home.
Go to the Bathroom.

Click on the sparkle.
Receive a Toothbrush.
Go to Janet's Bedroom.

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Click on the sparkle on the dresser.
Receive Janet's Clothes.
Click on the sparkle in the Bathroom.
Receive a Toothbrush.
Go to the Mansion.
Go to the pool.

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Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Tasha Anal Sex.
Exit into the hall.
Go east (Right).
Open the door.

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Pick up the Ladder Segment.
Go to the Storage Room on the first floor where you access the basement.
Scene with Kaley and Sofia.
Go to the Lighthouse.
Go to the second fort room.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-7.webp

Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Jessica ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex.
Use a Rock Bomb on the column blocking the path west (Left).
Go into the new area.

Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Clare Face ♥♥♥♥.
Read the book.

Go through the north (Up) door.
Use the Mysterious Key.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-8.webp

Pick up the Ladder Segment.
Read the crafting recipe (Penetrating Oil).
Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Madalyn Boobs & Butt.
Click on the orange sparkle by the barrel.
Receive Madalyn's Profile.
Go to Squallmart.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-9.webp

Purchase the Encryption Scanner ($43,000).
Purchase Silver Ore ($1,000).
Go to the Shrine.
Craft a Metal Ladder: Ladder Segment x 3 and Silver Ore.
Receive Metal Ladder.
Go to Deep Jungle 1 - 3.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-10.webp

Use the Metal Ladder to cross the gap.
You now have to make it back to town using the fewest steps possible. And, oh by the way, the fast travel teleporter isn't working.
East (Right)
South (Down)
South (Down)
West (Left)
South (Down)
South (Down)
East (Right)
South (Down)
Into the cave (East / Right)
West (Left)
South (Down)
East (Right)
East (Right)
South (Down)
Scene Clare, Diana, and Jessica.
Go to the Mansion.
Talk to Sofia
Receive Storage Key.
Receive Janet's sixth heart.
Scene with Janet.
Go to the Spa room where you picked up the Ladder Segment.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-11.webp

Open the storage chest with the Storage Key.
Receive Viper Antivenom x 3.
You cannot use your whip to kill these snakes. If you get bit by a snake and have Antivenom the snake will disappear. Once you run out of Antivenom you will have to retry what you were trying to do.
Go to Estero Park.
Go west (Left).
Talk to Pricia.
Scene with Janet and Pricia.
Go to Estero State Park 4 - 2.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-12.webp

Click on the sparkles.
Receive Key Card and Old Bullet.
Open your inventory and select the Old Bullet.
Receive Loaded Musket.
Go to the park entrance.
Use the Teleporter.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-13.webp

A new Teleporter has appeared to the left of the original Teleporter. The new Teleporter will take you to the outside of the Casula Temple where you were bitten by the viper.
Use the new Teleporter.

Pick up the Philweed Plant.
Pick up the Sulphuric Acid.
Go to Deep Jungle 1 - 1.
Go east (Right).
Go back to the Casula Temple entrance.
Now you can't use your whip on these snakes you need to either outsmart them, or avoid them. While you have the antivenom you don't want to use it if you don't need it. Fortunately they aren't as fast as the other snakes. Saving the game will reset the snakes.

You need to lure the left snake down between the two stalagmites.
Pick up the King's Shovel Handle.
Pick up the Clover Leaf.
The second snake is on a path and you just have to move when the snake is out of the way. The snake will not vary from its path. Watch the path it takes and time your move accordingly.
Pick up the Crowbar.
Open the Temple door with the Crowbar.

Light the Dry Wood with your Lighter.
Receive Fly Ash.
Chase the mouse to the large center area. This will attract the snake.
Go to where the snake was and pick the Philweed.
Read the crafting recipe (Mystical Gas Mask)
Go to the Library.
Scene with Diana and Emily.
Go to the Full Mast Bar.
Go to the Cemetery.
Scene with Alia, Kaley, Madalyn, and Tasha.
Tasha's sixth heart.
Go to the Mansion.
Go inside the Mansion using the middle lower door.
Follow Sofia east (Right).

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 12-14.webp

Use the Crowbar on the security card reader.
Receive System BIOS.
Go north (Up) through the door.
Receive Sofia's phone number.


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