[TH] Force Style Plus 1.0.0 Patch Level 1 - Xenforo 2

[TH] Force Style Plus 1.0.0 Patch Level 1 - Xenforo 2

[TH] Force Style Plus - Xenforo 2.webp

Regardless of the theme/style a user prefers, the theme you designate will be displayed instead whenever they go to specific pages. Force Style Plus extends this functionality in XenForo to include more pages.

  • Force the style for notable members pages
  • Choose which notable members pages the style is forced on
  • Force the style for the help page section
  • Choose which help pages the style is forced on
  • Force the style on XenForo Resource Manager
  • Force the style for Siropu Chat rooms
  • Choose which chat rooms the style is forced on


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