Split APKs Installer (SAI) 3.8

Split APKs Installer (SAI) 3.8

Split APKs Installer (SAI).webp

Split APKs Installer (SAI) là một ứng dụng để cài đặt và xuất file APK - các ứng dụng chứa nhiều file APK.

SAI is an app for installing and exporting split APKs - apps that consist of multiple APKs.
SAI can install apps using standard Android API, using root access or using Shizuku.

SAI is an open-source app, you can get the source code on its GitHub repo - github.com/Aefyr/SAI

Please note that SAI only installs user-provided files and is not responsible for those apps behavior.
Please also note, that some devices/ROMs aren't supported by SAI, that has to do with bad Android API implementation in said ROMs and can't be fixed on app side.


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