Score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights with Xenforo 2?

Score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights with Xenforo 2?

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Score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights with Xenforo 2.webp

Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily test the speed of a web page. PageSpeed Insights (PSI) reports on the performance of a page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved.

Score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights with Xenforo 2-0.webp

Home page:

Forum page (with google adsense script):

Gtmetrix 100%:

Last edited:
It's make sense the score low if you have adsense script.
It's make sense the score low if you have adsense script.
Check out the following link or any other link:

When visitors to the page, including you, still display ads (google adsense script).
When checking with Google PageSpeed Insights, the ad does not show.
-> Score is still high.
-> Tip: JS Delay Load feature of XenVn addon.
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