Run Xenforo Cron on VPS Server

Run Xenforo Cron on VPS Server

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Run Xenforo Cron on VPS Server.webp

Long-running and scheduled tasks are deferred to the job system. By default, activity on the forum triggers these jobs to run. This can be changed to trigger independently of forum activity but additional setup is required.

What is crontab?
Crontab is a Unix command that creates a table or list of commands, each of which is to be executed by the operating system (OS) at a specified time and on a regular schedule. Crontab is used to create the crontab file (the list) and later used to change the previously created crontab file.

To add Xenforo Cron to the crontab of Linux VPS. We run the following command.
If you are running Apache Web Server:
You must log in to view
(2 lines)
Change /var/www/html/cmd.php to match the path on your server.

If you are running Open Litespeed Web Server:
You must log in to view
(2 lines)
Change lsphp81 to match the version of php you are using.
Change /var/www/html/cmd.php to match the path on your server.

Finally at [Xenforo Admin] Setup -> Options -> System and performance -> Job run trigger, select Server based trigger.
If you set it up wrong, within a few minutes you will receive an error message from Xenforo.
If successful, nothing unusual will happen.
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