Resource Credits Payment - Xenforo 2

Resource Credits Payment - Xenforo 2 1.0.2

Resource Credits Payment - Xenforo 2.webp

When your website contains important information or cool stuff that people want to sell or buy, this is the add-on for you. With the supporting of Brivium, you can buy or sell resources through your credit points.

- Allows to set number of displaying users for the list of buyers
- Allows to sell resources using Credits as the currency
- Allows users to buy resources through Credits
- Allow administrators to set up fee or tax for events of selling or buying resources
- Administrators could create events due to the currency they want and choose the target group members.
- Provides permissions to allow which group member could use the add-on


Resource Credits Payment - Xenforo 2.png

When your website contains important information or cool stuff that people want to sell or buy, this is the add-on for you. With the supporting of Brivium, you can buy or sell resources through your credit points.

- Allows to set number of displaying users for the list of buyers
- Allows to sell resources using Credits as the currency
- Allows users to buy resources through Credits
- Allow administrators to set up fee or tax for events of selling or buying resources
- Administrators could create events due to the currency they want and choose the target group members.
- Provides permissions to allow which group member could use the add-on
Thank a lot. I apprrciate your gesture of sharing this
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