Redundant Image Cleaner Module for Prestashop

Redundant Image Cleaner Module for Prestashop 4.3.5

Redundant Image Cleaner Module for Prestashop.webp

Free up disk space on the server of your shop by clearing redundant images with this module. Redundant images are images not needed and not used anywhere in your shop and taking disk space on your shop for no reason.
  • Helps store owners to save disk space by deleting redundant images.
  • Deletes redundant product images.
  • Deletes redundant category images.
  • Deletes redundant manufacturer images.
  • Deletes redundant supplier images.
  • Deletes redundant store images.
  • Saves disk space.
  • Optimizes your store.
  • On the modules page, click on "Add a new module" button.
  • Choose the module file and click on "Upload this module".
  • If the installation is successful, you will see a success message.
  • The module will then appear in your list of modules under Modules List.
  • Click on "Install" button to install the module.
  • If configuration note appears, click on "Configure" button to configure it.
  • Click “Clear Redundant Images” button.
  • That is it! You will get rid of those annoying images that take huge space for no reason.
Redundant Image Cleaner Module for Prestashop-1.webp


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