Puerto Family Tree Builder SAAS - PHP Script

Puerto Family Tree Builder SAAS - PHP Script 1.5

Puerto Family Tree Builder SAAS - PHP Script.webp

Building a Family Tree with Puerto Family Tree PHP Script.
It is more than just a family tree. A new home for family memories.

Make your family tree live with Puerto Family Tree and do not leave it just a memory hanging. build it with the participation of everyone and make it stretch to infinity.

Some of Puerto Family Tree Features:
  • Advanced Family Tree System
  • Unlimited Family Members
  • Full Dashboard (Statistics, Pages…)
  • Support multiple Partners & Children.
  • Heritage family, Link user to a node
  • The moderators who can manage a specific family tree
  • Forget Password, Email Verification
  • Notifications, Search, Album…
  • Multi-Languages system.
  • Full management (add, edit, delete).
  • Public & Private View Protected with Password.
  • Clean Code & Well Documented
  • Secured Image Upload script.
  • Beautiful HTML5 and fully responsive design
  • Quick & Easy Installer
Puerto Family Tree Builder SAAS - PHP Script-1.webp

Puerto Family Tree Builder SAAS - PHP Script-2.webp

Puerto Family Tree Builder SAAS - PHP Script-3.webp


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