[OzzModz] Log All Moderator Actions - Xenforo 2

[OzzModz] Log All Moderator Actions - Xenforo 2 2.3.0

[OzzModz] Log All Moderator Actions - Xenforo 2.webp

This add-on will make it possible to log all moderation related actions to the log, even if the user isn't a real moderator.
It is also possible to log users own post / thread edits. This will be visible in de moderator log.

By default, XenForo will only log moderator actions if the user is part of the moderators group (Groups & permissions > Staff > Moderators).
Sometimes you may want to give a normal user extra moderator permissions, like the ability to lock/unlock threads without making this user a real moderator. These actions are by default not logged. That's why you may need this add-on.


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