27/7/21 Views: 523 Simple addon that hides users you define in the addons options. The IP’s will be hidden in the in the front end. This does not hide it in the ACP. Alphabetical pagination (ABP2) - Xenforo 2 1.2.8 [EAE Add-ons] Thread preview widget - Xenforo 2 1.3.0 Attachments OzzModz-HideIp- OzzModz-HideIp- 13.9 KB · Views: 19 Click to expand...
Simple addon that hides users you define in the addons options. The IP’s will be hidden in the in the front end. This does not hide it in the ACP. Alphabetical pagination (ABP2) - Xenforo 2 1.2.8 [EAE Add-ons] Thread preview widget - Xenforo 2 1.3.0