[MS] - Dark Mode / Dark theme mode - Xenforo 2

[MS] - Dark Mode / Dark theme mode - Xenforo 2 1.1.0

[MS] - Dark Mode - Dark theme mode - Xenforo 2.webp

I wanted to share the dark mode (Night mode) plugin that I have developed on our own site. It is compatible with the default theme. There are some deficiencies, I will fix them over time. You can customize the colors according to you.

All settings => Appearance and languages > theme properties > [MS] - Dark Mode / Dark Theme Mode

You can make color adjustments in Appearance and languages > theme properties > [MS] - Dark Mode / Dark Theme Mode . Extradark.less
from templates to color your own private space with no coloringGo into it and add your codes at the bottom. You can adapt to dark mode.

[MS] - Dark Mode - Dark theme mode - Xenforo 2-1.webp

[MS] - Dark Mode - Dark theme mode - Xenforo 2-2.webp


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