- Fully Responsive – great on mobile and tablets
- Tested with the most popular Xenforo resources! A unique market feature, your style is already configured to look seamlessly compatible with many of the most widely used Xenforo mods
- Free slideshow system
- Professional footer layout builder — Up to 10 block locations, flexible columns and wide parallax rows!
- Full support for XenGallery & Resource Manager
- Full screen background wallpapers
- JQuery background slideshow – up to five wallpaper images!
- Easy to change color palette
- Google fonts
- Set sidebar to left, right, or disabled
- Full FontAwesome integration
- Logo Photoshop PSD
- Comprehensive documentation
- Dozens of additional settings
- Includes 10 Presets!
What’s more, you can take full advantage of the comprehensive style settings to change other features as well. Looking for a Call of Duty template? Add an amazing full-screen wallpaper, add custom node image banners, and change your color palette. Looking for a full-screen MOBA game portal? Set your theme to full-width mode in one click, and edit all the style settings as needed! You can create a theme for any game or genre — from the latest FPS, sports game, MOBA, RTS and more. Modern Gamer gives you the tools — you use your imagination.
[TH] iO Dark Mode - Xenforo 2 Style
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