3/7/22 Views: 912 I ran a modification that did this back on XF1 (pretty sure it was by @Russ) - but it never got ported.. until now! AndyB - Countdown - Xenforo 2 2.8 [AP] Member Bars - Xenforo 2 1.3.0 Attachments UO-OnlineWidgetMerge102.zip UO-OnlineWidgetMerge102.zip 23.6 KB · Views: 14 Click to expand...
I ran a modification that did this back on XF1 (pretty sure it was by @Russ) - but it never got ported.. until now! AndyB - Countdown - Xenforo 2 2.8 [AP] Member Bars - Xenforo 2 1.3.0