JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform 7.1.0

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform.webp

JustFans – Premium Content Creators SaaS is a fully-featured PHP platform that allows you to start your own premium content-based social media platform in no time.

The experience is powered by a mobile-first, clean and easy-to-use design, with Dark and Light mode themes, RTL, and localization capabilities. It allows your creators to sell their premium content via monthly subscriptions, offers, bundles, tips, and pay-to-unlock posts.

Main Features
• Advanced posts creation module

  1. Multiple file upload
  2. Chunked files uploads
  3. Uploaded file previews
  4. Post draft save
  5. Video conversion via FFmpeg – fallback to mp4 only uploads
  6. Watermarking for images & videos
• Advanced feed module
  1. Bidirectional feed module with swipeable gallery and full-screen view
  2. Media galleries with support for audio, video and image files
  3. Post comments, reactions & comments reactions
• Search module (Posts & Users search, Top, Latest, Photo, Video filters)
• Multiple payments providers & ways of monetizing content

  1. Stripe & Paypal payment processors
  2. CCBill payment processor, for adult content payments
  3. Coinbase & NowPayments processors for crypto payments
  4. Paystack (for deposits, tips and unlocks only)
  5. Offline Payments
  6. Monthly/Biannual/Annual subscriptions
  7. Time limited user subscriptions offers
  8. Post & User tips
  9. Pay to unlock posts
  10. Ad spots
  11. Free profiles (Open for registered users)
  12. Open profiles (Open for everyone)
• Live streaming
  1. RTMP Ingestion – OBS or alternative required for creators
  2. HLS Output with Adaptive Bitrate
  3. Private/Public streams
  4. Pay per view & Subscription locked streams
  5. Live stream chat & Live viewers counter
  6. Stream VODs
• Multiple storage drivers supported
  1. Locally hosted files
  2. AWS S3 stored files (CDN & Presigned URLs support)
  3. Wasabi stored files
  4. DigitalOcean spaces stored files
  5. Minio storage
• User messenger
  1. Live messenger and notifications
  2. Audio,Video and Photo attachments
  3. Paid messages
  4. Pusher & Soketi websockets drivers
• User notifications (Email & on site, live notifications)
• User bookmarks (Allow users to save content for later)
• User lists (Allow users to store users into custom lists)
• Multiple emailing drivers (Log/Mailgun/SMTP)
• Ability to enforce creator’s identity verification
• Ability to disable right-clicking on user posts
• Printable invoices for each transaction

• User settings

  1. Profile settings (username, name, bio, birthdate, location, website)
  2. Account (Reset password)
  3. Wallet settings (Deposit & Withdraw)
  4. Payments settings (View transactions data and invoices)
  5. Rates settings (General price, bundles and offers)
  6. Subscriptions settings (View and manage subscriptions)
  7. Notifications settings
  8. Privacy settings (Set your profile to public or private)
  9. Verify identiy settings
• Fluent, mobile-first design (PWA App included)
• Light & Dark Themes
• Easy to rebrand via custom themes generator
• RTL/LTR & Translatable ready
• Advanced admin panel (Over 100 different settings)
• Strong SEO practices (Sitemap, schema.org, Social media meta)
• GDPR, Cookies policy banner, NSFW content consent dialog
• Unique, hand-drawn vector illustrations
• Social logins (Facebook, Twitter & Google)
• Email-based 2FA logins
• GEO-blocking capabilities
• reCAPTCHA integration for public forms
• Referral system

• And so much more..

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform-1.webp

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform-2.webp

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform-3.webp

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Not working please can you explain how to install it........ No install file...
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