JCH Optimize Pro for Wordpress

JCH Optimize Pro for Wordpress 3.0.4

JCH Optimize Pro for Wordpress.webp

JCH Optimize automatically applies several front end optimizations for faster download speeds for your WordPress website.

Unnecessary whitespaces and other characters are removed from your CSS/JS/Html to reduce size
Optimize Assets Delivery
Critical CSS is inlined and Javascript and non-critical CSS deferred to eleminate renderblocking
Loading of images, videos and audio below the fold are deferred to lower time to interactive improving user experience
Optimize Images
Image sizes are reduced by effifiently encoding and resizing, and can be converted to next-gen formats for better compression
Urls to static assets are rewritten on to load from your CDNs reducing latency to users geographically far away
Http/2 Preload
Key assets are preloaded on Http/2 enabled servers to prioritize important requests, resulting in faster page loads.
Htaccess Optimization
Adds configuration codes to your .htaccess files to leverage efficient browser caching policy on Apache servers.
Excellent Compatiblility
Compatible with most templates or extensions and conflicts can be easily resolved through exclusions of certain assets.

JCH Optimize Pro for Wordpress-1.webp

