Geoblock Registration - Xenforo 2

Geoblock Registration - Xenforo 2 1.2.2

Geoblock Registration - Xenforo 2.webp

This XenForo 2.x addon provides Geoblocking capabilities for user registration.

You can set allowed and denied lists for countries based on the IP address a user registers from - and optionally force users from non-approved countries into the moderation queue when registering.

The addon uses the free Maxmind GeoLite2 downloadable IP database to identify the country associated with the IP address of a registering user.

As an example, a typical use-case for this addon might be for an Australian website to allow users from Australia and New Zealand to be approved automatically, while users from, say, Russia, Nigeria and other common sources of spammers are blocked from registering. Users from all other countries can be placed into the moderation queue for manual approved by moderators.

1. Install the addon using the standard installation mechanisms. The addon will create a single database table for caching of IP address lookup data.
2. Be sure to add some approved and denied countries to the configuration options - see below.
3. Download the GeoLite2 database using the "Update Maxmind Database" function, which can be found under the Tools menu in the admin area. The database is updated by Maxmind weekly and will be automatically downloaded every week using a cron task.
You must have the Phar extension enabled on your server for database download and extraction to function.


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