[FF] XFMG Category Attachment Mirror - Xenforo 2

[FF] XFMG Category Attachment Mirror - Xenforo 2 1.0.1

[FF] XFMG Category Attachment Mirror - Xenforo 2.webp

Allows you to mirror all attachments posted in a thread to an XF Media Gallery category.

This is different to the default XFMG functionality that only allows you to mirror a whole forum, whereas using this addon you can have different threads mirroring to different categories (or none at all)

Two new user group permissions added:
Mirror thread attachments to XFMG Category
Mirror any thread attachments to XFMG Category

All XFMG categories will be listed, including ones you might have hidden from certain user groups - so if you have private categories you don't want found, don't allow those user groups mirror permissions.
It has to be this way, as otherwise it would get confusing if an admin changed to a private group, then a moderator (without access) then came also to also edit the destination.

[FF] XFMG Category Attachment Mirror - Xenforo 2-1.webp

