Evolve 2.1.2 - Premium Style XF 2

Evolve 2.1.2 - Premium Style XF 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
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Evolve - Premium Style XF 2.webp

Evolve is a brand new style that can dramatically change the look of the colors using a single style property. It comes with multiple color options that you can take advantage of.

Powered by the XenBase framework
Evolve is backed by an extremely powerful style framework called XenBase. It is the framework that powers all of our styles. We are constantly evolving and improving the framework to make it the best possible experience for you. It includes hundreds of options for you to customize and really make your style your own.

Pixel Exit support
We've been working on XenForo since the day it launched. Our commitment to you and your forum is second to none. You can rest easy knowing if an issue or question arises we'll be there.

Third-party support
Don't worry... we won't bounce you around to developers if there's a clash with our styles and an add-on. We'll do anything in our power to get the problem fixed or provide any reasonable solution for the developer.



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