EasyQR - QR Menu Builder

EasyQR - QR Menu Builder 3.0.0

EasyQR - QR Menu Builder.webp

Touchless QR Menus - Self-hosted, easy to use, lightweight and performant QR Menu Builder software.
  • Unlimited stores & menus
  • Included analytics
  • Ordering feature included
Fully featured Admin Panel
Comes right out of the box with a ready to use and functional Admin Panel that allows you to control and check everything that is going on on your website.
  • Ready to use Dashboard for a nice overview of what happens on your website.
  • A Users management system to create, view, update and delete users.
  • Stores management where you can check out and delete any store that is currently on your system.
  • Pages management where you can manage all the extra and custom page on your website.
  • Powerful Discount & Redeemable codes system where you can give out discounts or fully redeemable plans for your users.
  • Taxes, billing & invoicing where you can configure and generate proper invoices and tax rates for you and your paid customers.
  • Payments management to check all the payments made on your platform & Statistics page to see an overview of the growth of your website.
  • Website Settings to control the main settings of your website, and many more..
More features
Here are some extra features that you should know about:
  • Dark mode - Simply beautiful and ready to go right out of the box.
  • Facebook Login - Ready to go facebook login if needed.
  • Automatic generated sitemap - Your sitemap is automatically generated and updated for you.
  • Two Factor Authentication - You and your users can use 2FA if they want to.
  • Customizable & unlimited plans - Admins can create & configure plan features, with their own pricing directly from the admin panel.
  • Multilingual ready - The whole platform can be translated to any language by editing 1 json file.
  • SEO Friendly - The whole platform was designed with SEO in mind.

EasyQR - QR Menu Builder-1.webp


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