
Custom PHP Pages - Xenforo 2 1.1.3

This add-on allows creating any number of custom PHP pages with or without the XF layout.
A custom page has access to the XF engine's functions, including sessions and permissions.

All custom pages are their own PHP script with individual configuration; PHP knowledge is required.
A custom page script can be above, below or within the XF install folder, no restrictions.

You can optionally configure any of the following items on a per-page basis:
  • The custom <head> tag items on top of XenForo's defaults (presumably from an external script)
  • The custom page title
  • The custom page content
  • Whether or not to wrap above content in the XenForo layout
  • Whether or not to include XF's social meta tags for social media content previews
  • Whether or not to show breadcrumbs, and what breadcrumbs to show
Installation Instructions
  1. Install the add-on zip file (this is an add-on package without extra files)
  2. Make a copy of sample.php script and name it whatever you want
  3. Point the script's XF constant value to your XenForo install folder; the default is DIR
  4. Set the $head and/or $content variables
  5. Adjust the \ScriptsPages\Setup::set parameters (below), and installation is complete
Sample (sample.php)
You must log in to view
(38 lines)

You must log in to view
(9 lines)

How to set parameters externally

To set any parameter above from an external script, define the PHP constant SCRIPT_PAGE_{KEY} prior to loading XenForo, i.e.
You must log in to view
(1 lines)


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