CinVin: Gravatar Tweaks - Xenforo 2

CinVin: Gravatar Tweaks - Xenforo 2 1.0.2

CinVin - Gravatar Tweaks - Xenforo 2.webp

This add-on for XenForo 2 is to enable additional options for Gravatar avatars.

Gravatar URL - Override the URL used to server the Gravatar images. By default with XF 2.x the URL is - Changing this value will change that to the URL of your choice.

Gravatar Alternate Image Theme - If no primary Gravatar avatar is found for the user then you can select an alternate image to be returned.

Always use the Gravatar Alternate Image Theme - This is a neat little way of forcing the Gravatar Alternate Image Theme to be always used. If you are running a sci-fi site, for example, you could use the Robohash option to always have dynamic robot avatars generated.

Gravatar Rating - By default Gravatar will only return 'g' rated images that are suitable for all audience. This option allows you to override the rating to return more mature images. NOTE: This option, of course, only applies to the primary Gravatar image; the Gravatar Alternate Image Themes are all 'g' rated.

CinVin - Gravatar Tweaks - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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