- Views: 773
- Replies: 8
Limit the number of attachments (threads, resources) that members can download in a period of time.
- Attachment Download Limit: (Count limit number by attachment). Limit the number of attachments (threads, resources) that members can download in a period of time, bypass attachment owner.
- Use Cycle Time of User Upgrade (Advanced): Using the User Upgrade time cycle will bypass the Group Permissions time cycle. Only users who have upgraded via payment can download and the cycle time will be the upgrade expiration date.
- Select forum / resource to use download limit: Guests will not be able to download attachment in selected forums / resources.
- Limit Mode: Count limit for All Forums / Resources (use User group permissions) or for Each Forum / Resource separately (use Node / Resource category permissions).
- View download log: Admin log, user download log, threads / resources download log.
- Force Like to download and prevent take it back reaction: Enabled by default, set in User group permissions.
- Automatically hide the Code Tag, Redirect Page from guests.
- [Limit] Cycle time for limit (hours, max 720)
- [Limit] Use time of user upgrade for cycle time (advanced)
- [Limit] Number of attachments that can be downloaded
- [Limit] Reduce wait time between downloads (-minutes)
- [Limit] Bypass Like to download attachments
Admin Log:
Thread / Resource Log:
User Log:
User group permissions:
This is a feature part of XenVn addon, see details here:
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