ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat - Xenforo 2

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat - Xenforo 2 4.1.2

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat - Xenforo 2.webp

ArrowChat is a jQuery chat software that uses PHP and mySQL. It is placed at the bottom of your website similar to Facebook Chat.

The script is fully customizable from within the administration panel. Customers of ArrowChat are also able to buy or sell modifications, themes, and plugins for the software from our built-in store. The chat script will integrate seamlessly with your existing user database, even on a custom website.

XenForo Integration
  • Automatically log your users into the chat when they log in your site
  • Get their XenForo username
  • Get their XenForo avatar
  • Get a link to their profile
  • Get their XenForo group and setup group per


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I understand, thank you very much, I do not know if it is impossible that we need it in a free license-free way, I have to do research.

And I assure you on my honor that neither here nor anywhere, much less now, will they be able to provide you with this version that I tell you, much less here.
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