
Archive Site - Xenforo 2 2.0.1

For a site that is no longer accepting new content, you might want to put it into "read only" mode, keeping the content available online for users but preventing users from logging in or posting new content.

You will also want to optimise the site to remove unnecessarily functionality for guests and to improve performance.

There are quite a few configuration changes you can make using the admin UI alone, but there are some elements you will need help to change - which is where this addon comes in (see notes at the bottom of this page for limitations).

This addon provides the following functionality:
  • a UI and CLI tool to remove passwords from users to prevent them logging in and to minimise the risk of credential leakage if your site ever gets hacked (selected users can retain login rights for maintenance and testing purposes)
  • prevents emails from being sent to archived users
  • provides a meaningful message to users if they try to log in, informing them that the site has been archived
  • prevents archived users from resetting their passwords using the forgot password link
  • show a message to users below the title on the home page
  • replace the "you must log in to post" message below content on thread pages with a custom message and optionally a link (eg to a new site)
  • hides UI elements from guests:
    • New posts button on forum home page
    • What's new link in header on mobile devices
    • Followers list on member profile pages
    • Following list on member profile pages
    • Lock symbol on locked threads in thread list
    • Link to latest member from forum statistics widget
    • Gallery BB Code link on media pages
    • Members online widget


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