AndyB - User mention email - Xenforo 2

AndyB - User mention email - Xenforo 2 1.0

AndyB - User mention email - Xenforo 2-1.webp

All phrases start with usermentionemail_ for your convenience.

Database changes:
A new field called 'andy_user_mention_email' will be added to your xf_user table.

Questions and answers:
Q: When a user is mentioned, what conditions must be met in order to receive an email?
A: Here are the conditions:

User state must be valid.
Use must not be banned.
User last activity must be within 6 months.
User Account preferences "Receive user mention emails" must be checked.

Q: Are emails sent if a post is edited with a new user mention?
A: No. User mentions only work when a post or thread is created.

Q: Can the admin check if a user has their "Receive user mention emails" enabled?
A: Yes. Just edit the user account and click the preferences menu drop down and you will be able to see and change this option as needed.

(Example of email)
AndyB - User mention email - Xenforo 2-2.webp

(Example of account preferences)
AndyB - User mention email - Xenforo 2-3.webp


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