AndyB - Show map - XenForo 2

AndyB - Show map - XenForo 2 1.8

Map plugin for XenForo 2.webp

A fully integrated map system based on forums and threads.

  • Individual maps are created for each forum.
  • Map markers link back to threads.
  • All phrases start with showmap_ for your convenience.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/ShowMap directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Setup step 1:
Install and configure the View map add-o.

Setup step 2:
Update the Options page with your Google JavaScript API key.

Setup step 3:
Using the 'Show map admin' link in the visitors tab, create a map category.

Description - dealers
Detail - Dealers and shops
Coordinates - 37.339386,-121.894956
Zoom - 6

Setup step 4:
Create a forum where you will have threads of a certain type. For example you would have a Dealers forum. Each thread will represent a dealer which has information about that particular dealer. In the first post of each thread you will need to insert a map bbcode. This code looks like this:

[map=37.339386,-121.894956]View map[/map]

You can get this map bbcode using the View map add-on.

Show the map from the URL:
Add 'showmap' to your forum URL. Note a query string is required, this will be one of your category IDs.


You can create a Public navigation or Widget for the URL which calls a specific map.

Creating a public navigation link:
To create a public navigation link enter these values:

Navigation ID = showmap
Title = Show map
Parent navigation entry = Forums
Display order = 1000
Type = Basic
Link = {{ link('showmap/?id=dealers') }}

Database modifications:
This add-on will create two tables in your database:



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