AndyB - Inactive Members - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Inactive Members - Xenforo 2 2.6

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AndyB Inactive Members - Xenforo 2.webp

Sends an email to your members once a month showing most popular topics.
An email of the 25 most popular topics is sent to all members that have been inactive for over 60 days.

  • Members inactive for over 60 days and less than 365 days will receive an Inactive members email.
  • Option to exclude forums.
  • Option to vary the number of topics sent in the email.
  • Option to send test email.
  • All phrases start with inactivemembers_ for your convenience.
Questions and Answers:
Q: Are forum view permissions honored?
A: No. You have to use the Exclude forums in the Options if you want to exclude any forums from the emails sent.

Q: When are the emails sent?
A: Once a month.

Q: Is "Receive site mailings" honored?
A: Yes.

Q: Are banned members excluded?
A: Yes.

Q: Are discouraged members excluded?
A: Yes.

Q: Are redirect threads excluded?
A: Yes.

Q: Are emails sent to users who have "email invalid (bounced)" user state?
A: No.

Q: How are thread topics chosen?
A: Threads are selected by most viewed. An additional sort on forum title can be set in the Options page.

AndyB Inactive Members - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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