AndyB - Featured Media - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Featured Media - Xenforo 2 1.1

AndyB Featured Media - Xenforo 2.webp

Displays a block containing featured media.

This add-on will display a block of media items and is normally displayed in the forum list. Each featured media item can be clicked and the media item will be displayed in the media gallery. Featured media items are randomly selected and updated every 5 minutes.

AndyB Featured Media - Xenforo 2-1.webp

  • In responsive mode featured media are reduced in quantity and size.
  • Cron entry will rotate images every 5 minutes.
  • All phrases start with featuredmedia_ for your convenience.
User group permissions:
Typically you will set 'Yes' for the following two user groups:
  • Registered
  • Unregistered /Unconfirmed

Directory preparation:
Create a directory in the data folder called featured_media and set permissions to 0755.

Creating the widget:
  1. Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. Widget definition = Featured media
  3. Widget key = featured_media
  4. Title = (leave blank)
  5. Display in positions = Forum list: Above nodes
  6. Click Save.
Questions and Answers:
Q: How do I change the "Featured media" title?
A: Edit the featuredmedia_featured_media phrase.


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