AndyB - Convert image - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Convert image - Xenforo 2 5.1

AndyB - Convert image - Xenforo 2.webp

Converts hot linked images to attachments.
The Convert image add-on will convert hot linked images in messages to attachments. Hot linked images are those images that have been inserted using the Image icon in the editor toolbar.
This add-on runs automatically every time a new post is created or a post is edited.

  • Hot linked images are immediately converted to attachments after message is saved.
  • Images greater than maximum width and height settings in Admin Control Panel will be resized.
  • Allows inserting full-size or thumbnail attachments.
Maximum attachment image dimensions selection:
Although the screenshot above says you can use 0 or blank, this add-on requires you to use a positive value for the Maximum attachment image dimensions settings. I suggest using 2500 x 2500.

Admin control panel -> Setup -> Options -> Attachments -> Maximum attachment image dimensions

Question and Answers:
Q: Are attachments reused, meaning if the same attachment is located in several posts does each one use up disk space?
A: Each attachment is saved separately, however this is not a problem these days as disk space is so inexpensive.

Q: Does this add-on convert hot linked images in other areas besides posts?
A: No.

Q: Does Convert image add-on support $config['http']['proxy'] to hide my IP address?
A: Yes.

AndyB - Convert image - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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