AndyB - Attachment List Plus - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Attachment List Plus - Xenforo 2 1.1

AndyB - Attachment list plus - Xenforo 2.webp

Improves attachment list to show non-image attachments in a list.

Questions and answers:
Q: Will image attachments which are not embedded still show using the default XenForo attachment list?
A: Yes. Non-image attachments will be shown under the default XenForo attachments list.


AndyB - Attachment list plus - Xenforo 2.jpg

Improves attachment list to show non-image attachments in a list.

Questions and answers:
Q: Will image attachments which are not embedded still show using the default XenForo attachment list?
A: Yes. Non-image attachments will be shown under the default XenForo attachments list.
any update for 1.1 ?
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