We welcome everyone to visit and join XenVn.Com! I built this forum because I am passionate about programming. This is where I share what I've gathered and learned from the world. XenVn add-on for...
If you have accessibility concerns the large avatars showing up on the thread lists can be distracting and take up space for people using screen readers and assistive technology (AT) devices. This...
Description: Show message user info (postbit) in horizontal view in thread view and conversation view with some extra features. It is style based so you can easily disable the horizontal view for...
Pickem is a Fantasy Sports prediction game. Whether against the spread or straight up, you are tasked with picking the outcome of every game in a given week for an entire season. Survivor is a...
Add the possibility to set a custom field to be "unique", where any new content with this field value will have to be unique. Currently supported custom field types: Thread Custom Fields User...
A set of components that can be used by other add-ons. List of components and examples of use: FA-Picker AJAX filter Infinite scroll Select2 Pluralization CSS Using components in your own add-ons...
The plugin adds badges for verified users within registered users. Displays a list of users who have transitioned to verified user status on the Members page. Having a verification badge in the...
Signature Once allows user signature to be shown only once per thread or conversation. Options Under Admin > Options > Messages Show user's signature once per thread Show user's signature once per...
Description: Sends a direct message when a user upgrades their account. Features: Allows up to eight individual user upgrade phrases. All phrases start with userupgradedirectmessage_ for your...
A template modification to separate Sticky and Normal threads. Sticky/Normal labels are phrased. Phrases seperator_normal_threads seperator_sticky_threads
Posts Of The Week Add-on for XenForo Elevate user engagement and highlight community interactions with the "Post Of The Week" XenForo add-on. This powerful tool automatically identifies and...
Activity Watcher is a tool designed to help an admin to see when active posters become not active. This add-on adds a dashboard in the ACP that displays a list of members who created at least one...
This add-on creates a log entry for emails being sent outbound by your website. Logs are retained up to a defined length of time (31 days by default), as defined in the options of the add-on...
This package is required by some of our add-ons which are coded to work on XenForo 2.1.x - 2.3.x which sometimes have incompatibility in syntax, and cannot execute correctly the shared code. The...
Fully featured system to limit the number of content pages your guests can view before being forced to register. It also supports a nag system to warn users that they're on a limited number of...
Permission Changes XenForo: Can change thread Can change post author Can change profile post author XenForo Media Gallery: Can change media owner Can change album owner Can change comment author...
Improvements to XenForo's user mentions system. This addon was a private addon 2 weeks before public release. This addon is not designed to deal with large group memberships. This feature may be...
Features Support for Passkeys(also known as WebAuthn / FIDO2 security keys) as two-step authentication (hardware devices such as YubiKeys are what large tech companies such as Google require their...