WP Search with Algolia

WP Search with Algolia 1.4.0

WP Search with Algolia.webp

Easily integrate the powerful search tool Algolia directly into your WordPress website. Quickly index all of your website’s content and provide lightning fast and accurate search results within minutes!

Built and supported by WebDevStudios, the website agency behind Custom Post Type UI, WP Search with Algolia immediately improves search on your website. Your users will be impressed!

Enable Autocomplete and Instantsearch to immediately provide a more robust search experience to your visitors. Plus, you receive full control over the look, feel, and relevance of your users’ search experience.

  • One-click indexing of all content in WordPress
  • Relevant, faceted ready search results in milliseconds with native typo-tolerance from Algolia Search
  • Super granular control on search content relevancy and content positioning
  • Language-agnostic
  • WordPress hooks and filters available for easy customization of indexed content.
WP Search with Algolia-1.webp


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