Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4

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Go to the Full Mast Bar.
Go up to the Attic.

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Stomp on those Spiders.
Pick up the Chest Key.
Pick up the Carbon Shovel Shaft.
Open the chest with the Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Naomi Tit ♥♥♥♥.
Time to take care of those scorpions.
Go to Estero State Park 4 - 2 and stomp all of the scorpions.
Go north (Up).
Scene of Clare
Read Clare's book.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-2.webp

Pick up Ultra Shovel Handle.
Pick up Floppin' Fish.
Pick up crafting recipe (Pickaxe)
Go to 4 - 3.

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Give the Antacid Table to the bird.
Pick up the crafting recipe (Gold Talisman Crafting)
If you do not have a Silver Talisman search the Park until you find one, or craft one. Silver Talisman: Stone Talisman x 3 and Silver Ore.
Go to the Shrine.
Craft Swift Shovel: Alloy Shovel Head, Carbon Shovel Shaft, Ultra Shovel Handle, and a Silver Talisman.
Receive Swift Shovel. Now Stone and Jade Talismans will be instant.
If you found a Gold Talisman go to the Parlor to give it to Pricia.
Optional scene with Pricia and an awareness boost that will last until you find another Gold talisman.
Go to the Library.
Talk to Diana.
Sell your talismans to Diana.
Go to Squallmart.
Go back to the Library.
Talk to Emily.

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Click on the third sparkle from the top.
Receive Perennial's of Cape Vedra.
Talk to Emily.
Give Emily the Perennial's of Cape Vedra.
Go to Estero Park.

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Pick up the Heavy Cord.
Pick up the Basic Container.
Open your inventory and select the Metal Hook.
Attach the Heavy Cord to it to create a Grappling Hook.
Time to go get that Red Ginseng.
Go to Estero Park.
Go west (Left) to Estero State Park 5 - 2.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-6.webp

Use the Grappling Hook to get the Gaffer Tape.
Go west (Left) to Estero State Park 5 - 1.

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Use the Grappling Hook to get the Red Ginseng.
Go to Squallmart.
Talk to Emily.
Give Emily the Red Ginseng.
Scene with Emily.
Go to the Shrine.

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Use the Grappling Hook to get the Wrench Grip.
Use the Shrine to craft the Pickaxe: Wrench Grip, Gaffer Tape, Grappling Hook, Pipe Wrench.
Receive Pickaxe.
The Pickaxe can be used in place of the Pipe Wrench to break Jars.
Go to Estero Key.
Scene with Alia and Kaley.
Receive Alia's third heart.
Go to Alia's secret place.

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Use your Pickaxe on the loose stones
Go down into the cave.

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The cave is dark.
Go to the far Left.
Go to the top.
Click on the torch, your avatar will find the correct path.
Light the torch.
Pick up the Shaman Staff.
Reject Offer
Receive $10,000.
Earn Clare's first heart.
Now you should have enough money for most things from selling plants to Pricia, picking up gold coins, and selling Talismans when you get close to 90 of a specific type. Other than that you''ll want to hold onto your talismans for crafting.
Go to the Church.
Since you've lit five torches a Chest Key will appear on the upper level.
Pick up the Chest Key.
Go to see Madalyn.

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Use the Pickaxe to destroy the three pillars.
Push the rock onto the pressure plate.
If you screw up on the push puzzles just exit the room and re-enter and the puzzle will be reset.
Pick up the Chest Key in Madalyn's room.
Go East (Right) to the room opened by destroying the bottom pillar.

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Pick up the Gold on the plate.
Read the book.
Break the Jar in the corner with the Pickaxe.
Receive a Silver Talisman.
Pick up the Broken Key.
Read the crafting recipe (Chest Key)
Go to Estero Park.
Look for some more Red Ginseng.
Go to Estero State Part 4 - 1.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-13.webp

Use the Pickaxe on the weak spot.
Receive Quartz.
After you have found some Red Ginseng eat it. Oh no, we have to go see the Doctor again.
Go to the Doctor's Office.
Talk to the Receptionist.
See Doctor Jessica for $140
Scene with Jessica.
Receive an Intelligence Boost.

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You can see your Intelligence and Awareness boosts on your inventory page, along with your boots, metal detector, guide, and shovel.
Go to Estero Park.
Go to the Shrine.
Scene with Clare.
Receive Encyclopedia 1999.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-15.webp

Read the crafting recipe (Pirate Shovel)
Push the rock down 1.
Push the rock right 2.
Push the rock down 2.
Push the rock left 5.
Push the rock up 4.
Push the rock right 1.
Open the chest in the middle of the room.
Receive Unknown Treasure.
Go to the Park Entrance.
Go to the Library.
Show Diana something.
Give Diana the Unknown Treasure.
Go to Estero Park.
Receive Silver Talisman.
Scene with Tasha and Naomi.
Receive Tasha's second heart.
Go to Janet's Home.
Go into Janet's room.
Receive Janet's first heart.
Go to the Full Mast Bar.
Enter the bar.
Receive Citation.
Go to the Library.
Click on the sparkle on the desk.
Receive Diana's Note.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-16.webp

Turn on the east (Right) light.
It turn on the light over the item to the right of the window in the back.
Go outside the Library.

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Open the chest with the Secret Key.
Go Home.
Go upstairs.
Scene of Diana.
Go to the Church.
Go to Madalyn's Room.
Go to the Doctor's Office.
Go to the MRI Room (Left door).

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-18.webp

Click on the box.
Receive Nitroglycerin Bottles.
Go to Estero Park.
Go to Estero State Park 4 - 4.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 4-19.webp

Pick up the Broken Key.
Read the crafting recipe (Rock Bomb).
Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Tasha Mustacheless Ride.
For the next part you are going to need three (3) Jade Talismans and three (3) Silver Talismans. Roam the Park until you meet those requirements.


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