Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13

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Exit the Mansion to the street.
Re-enter the Mansion.
Enter the Mansion.
Follow Duncan east (Right).
Go to the Full Staff Bar.
Receive ID Card Writer.
Go to the Shrine.
Craft a Hacking Tool: Key Card, ID Card Writer, System BIOS, and Encryption Scanner.
Receive a Hacking Tool.
Craft a Four Leaf Clover: Clover Leaf x 4
Receive a Four Leaf Clover.
Go to where Ash is in the Park (Estero State Park 5 - 2).
Talk to Ash.
Go to Estero State Park 3 - 2.
Scene with Clare.
Receive Clare's sixth heart.
Go to Squallmart.
Go to the Mansion.
Go to the Pool.
Talk to Naomi.
Scene with Janet, Naomi, and Sofia.
Go out the south (Down) door.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-1.webp

Let's try out our Hacking Tool on the safe.
Receive Talisman of the Gods.
Go to the Parlor.
Talk to Pricia.
Give Pricia the Talisman of the Gods.
Earn Pricia's sixth heart.
Go to the Doctor's Office.
Go into the Examination room.
Talk to Emily.
Scene with Emily and Jessica.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-2.webp

Let's try our hacking tool on the locked door.
Go into the new area.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-3.webp

Click on the white sparkles.
Receive Nitroglycerin.
Receive Soap.
Click on the black area to the right by the lamp.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-4.webp

You'll get outside so that you can pick up the Chest Key.
Click on the roof to get back into the building.
You're going to have to wait until after you finish the story to get the keys for the lockers.
Go to the Shrine.
Craft a Rock Bomb: Nitroglycerin, Basic Container, Silver Talisman, and Jade Talisman
Receive a Rock Bomb.
Go to Squallmart.
Emily wants you to find Alia.
Go to Estero Key.
Go to the Church.
Go to the Sewers under the Church.
Go to Lost Underground 3 - 2.

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Use the Metal Ladder to bypass the blockage by going to the side with the 13 on it and then coming back on the other side of the blockage.
Use the Rock Bomb on the rocks in the doorway.
Go into the new area.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-6.webp

Move the second rock up 1.
Walk to the empty space.
Walk left until you push a rock.
Push the rock where you are standing up 1.
Push the rock to your left, left 1.
Push the rock below it left 1.
Read the crafting recipe ???
When you read the crafting recipe some of the rocks will disappear.
Move the one rock to the right 1.
Click on the sparkle.
Use the Crowbar.
Go east (Right)

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-7.webp

Pick up God's Shovel Handle.
Open chest with Chest Key.
Pick up - Kama Sutra - Sofia Snack Time.
Go back up to the Church.
Scene with Madalyn.
Earn Madalyn's sixth heart.
Exit the Church to the street.
Diana calls you on the Satellite Phone.
Go to the Full Mast Bar.
Go to Squallmart.
Go to Estero Park.
Scene with Clare, Diana, and Tasha.
Go to the west (Left) with Clare.

These snakes are on a path and won't chase you. You just need to time your moves so you don't cross their path.
Go up to the upper right corner.
Go left to line up with the open column.
Go down three pillars.
You next move will be to the pressure pad and it has to be timed for when the snake won't be there.
Back to where you were before the pressure pad.
Then to the end of the last column on the left. There is a brief crossing the first snakes path, but you should be able to easily miss it.
Then time your move to the bottom left corner.
You should hear a click and rocks falling.
Walk up and activate the pressure plate.
All of the snakes will disappear.
Move up the wall to break the Jar with your Pickaxe.
Receive a Talisman of the Gods.
Return to the entrance and then go east (Right) to where Diana and Tasha went.

Same thing as the room with Clare. These snakes are on a path and won't chase you.
Walk up to the base of the large pillar.
Time your run to the wall.
Go along the wall until you are above the pressure plate.
Activate the pressure plate.
Return up to the wall.
Walk across to the large pillar to on the right side of the door.
You can walk down the center of the right hand path.
Line yourself up with the pressure pad.
When the coast is clear run down and activate the pressure pad.
All of the snakes will disappear.
Break the Jar.
Click on the back of the middle column on the far right.
You should hear a click and rocks falling.
Receive a Talisman of the Gods.
Go to Casual Temple 2 - 2.
Pick up the Chest Key.
Go to the Mansion.
Receive Alia's Phone
Go to the Library.
Scene with Alia, Emily, Janet, and Kaley.
Go to the Parlor.
Go to Estero Park.
Scene with Jessica and Pricia.

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Activate the pressure pads in this order.
Bottom Right
Top Left
Bottom Left
Top Right
The wall blocking the key will go away.
I was able to just run up the middle and pick up the Temple Key Segment.
The snakes in the center portion go away.
Receive Nitroglycerin.
Go to the Shrine.
Craft a Rock Bomb: Jade Talisman, Silver Talisman, Nitroglycerin, and a Basic Container.
Receive a Rock Bomb.
Go to Squallmart.
Go to the Church.
Talk to Janet.
Scene with Janet and Madalyn.
Go to the Mansion.

Go to Estero Key.
Go into the House.
Go into Sam and Naomi's Bedroom

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-9.webp

Pick up Painter's Mask.
Pick up Nail Polish Remover.
Read newspapers.

Pick up Pirate Medallion.
Pick up Old Map. Map will not be here if you already picked up the Chest Key it is for.
Go to the Shrine.
Craft a Mystical Gas Mask: Painter's Mask, Fly Ash, Super Goggles, and a Grand Talisman.
If you don't have a Grand Talisman you can either craft one, Gold Ore x 3 and a False Talisman, or hunt the Jungle for one.
Receive a Mystical Gas Mask.
Go to the Library.
Go into the Library Basement.
Enter the green gas.
Use your Mystical Gas Mask.

Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Madalyn Bite Job.
Use the Metal Ladder to cross to the other side.
Click on the orange sparkle.
Receive Sofia's Profile.
Use the Metal Ladder again to cross to the other side.
Use your Pickaxe on the weak area of the floor.
Receive King's Shovel Head.
Cross back to the other side.
Go east (Right).

Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Diana Anal Sex.
Cross to the other side.
Light the torch with your Lighter.
Cross back to the other side.
Go west (Left).
Go south (down), into the light.
Go upstairs.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-10.webp

Use the Crowbar on the crate.
Receive Grand Talisman.
Go upstairs.
Use the north (Up) door.
Use the north (Up) door.
Scene with Alia, Naomi, and Sofia.
Receive Sofia's fifth heart.
Exit the room.
Go west (Left).
Go east (Right).

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-11.webp

Use the Hacking Tool on the security card reader.
Go upstairs.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-12.webp

Go in the hole in the wall.
Use your Pickaxe on the weak area of the wall.
Go downstairs.
Go downstairs.

Open the chest with a Chest Key.
Pick up Kama Sutra - Janet ♥♥♥♥♥ Sex.
Open the two supply chests.
Receive Viper Antivenom.
Go to Estero Key.
Go to Squallmart.
Go to Janet's Home.
Go to the Full Mast Bar.
Go to Estero Park.
Scene with Clare, Diana, and Kaley.

Push Clare, Diana, and Kaley up to the pressure pads at the top. Then stand on the remaining pressure plate.
The puzzle gets easier every time you reset it by leaving the room.
All of the rocks and the snakes on top will disappear when all four pressure pads are activated.
Go to the Lighthouse.
Scene with Janet.
Go to Estero Park.
Use the Teleporter.
Use the other Teleporter to return to the Temple.
Go to Casula Temple 2 - 2.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-13.webp

Go to the green gas.
Use your Mystical Gas Mask.
Open the Supply Crate.
Receive Viper Antivenom.
Go to Casula Temple 1 - 3.

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 13-14.webp

Use your Whip to get the Temple Key Segment.
Read the crafting recipe (Nitroglycerin).
Open the Supply Chests. You'll notice that the cost is exactly what they sell for and you can open them multiple times. So, if you sold your talismans previously and still have the money you can buy them back if you need them. The last chest you will receive a Rock Bomb for the Nitroglycerin, so you don't need a Jade Talisman, Silver Talisman, and Basic Container to craft them any more, just come here and pick one up.
First chest costs $12,000 to open.
Receive Grand Talisman.
Second chest costs $36,000 to open.
Receive Royal Talisman.
Third chest costs $144,000 to open.
Receive Talisman of the Gods.
Fourth chest costs a Nitroglycerin to open.


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