Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 1

Treasure of Nadia Online - The Walkthrough - Part 1

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
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This guide starts after the initial game tutorial stops, when you pick up the Soul Crystal. I highly advise you to set your Move Speed to Fast as Evie suggests. The "Save Often" motto is also highly recommended. If you leave the default options Evie will remind you to save.

This guide is divided into parts, mainly due to Steam limitations on how much text can be in a guide section. There is no "logical" reason for a new part, just that I ran out of room in the previous part.

Go to Estero Park and meet Michael, the park ranger.
Click on the sparkle to find your first "treasure". Any time you see a sparkle you'll want to collect it. Don't worry, if you don't it doesn't disappear. However, it can't reappear in that spot until you collect it.
Go to the Library and sell the Stone Talisman to Diane.
Looks like it is going to take a lot of work to become a successful treasure hunter.
Go to the Lighthouse to visit Albert.
Notice the number 6 on the floor. You will need to light six torches to unlock what is there.
Go to Full Mast Bar.

Pick up the Room Key from the sparkle in the corner.
Go to Janet's Home.
Go upstairs and unlock the door on the right with the Room Key.
Pick up your Photo ID and note the number on the Chalkboard.

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Go back to the bar.
Talk to Tasha.
Pay attention to Naomi's order, Sex on the Beach.
Bring the Dark Rum to Albert in the Lighthouse.
Receive a pair of Binoculars.
Let's go to Estero Key and do some bird watching.
Use the Binoculars to get a better look.
Naomi solo scene and earn Naomi's first heart.
Go to the Doctor's Office.
Talk to the Receptionist. I've found that clicking around their knees is the best spot.
Need to get an Insurance Card.
Go to the Church.
Notice the 5 on the upper level to the right of the entrance.
Go to Squallmart.
There isn't anything you can purchase with your $10.
Time to go to the park and hunt for treasure.
Go to the left and pick up the Chest Key.

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Search the Park until you have enough Talismans to turn in for $30.
Go to the Library and sell your Talismans to Diane.
Go to the Parlor.
Take the path on the right and go to the back.

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Pick up the Shovel Handle and read the crafting recipe (Silver Talisman Crafting).
Enter the Massage Parlor.
Select Yes. I'll take a massage for $30.
Scene with Pricia.
Go back to the Park.
Pick up any talismans.
Go to the Beach.
Use your Binoculars to get a better view.
Brad and Valerie scene.
Go to the Mansion
Talk to Sofia.
Go to the Bait Shop.
I recommend waiting until after the story is complete to do the side quests: Ancient Temple Puzzles, Booty Calls, Fishing, and upgrading your house. This guide will purchase the bare minimum to advance the story.
Don't buy anything now from the Bait Shop. You'll want to wait until you unlock the Heavy Lures.
Go to Janet's Home and talk to Janet.
Go upstairs and in the left door and search Kaley's room.

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Click on the sparkle by the window and use your Binoculars.
Click on the sparkle on the bedside table.
Go to Estero Key.
Follow Alia.
Talk to Alia.
Receive an Unknown Treasure.

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Open the chest with your Chest Key.
Receive Kama Sutra - Alia - Foolin' Around.
If you invite a girl over you need to have Kama Sutra pages for her to do anything with her.
Go to the Library and show Diana the Unknown Treasure.
Sell any Talismans you have to Diana.
Go to Estero Key.
Receive Alia's phone number and first heart.
Go to Squallmart.

Talk to Ash.
Trade your Binoculars for the Photo Album and Photo: Dr. Jessica Amor.

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You can access the photos in the Extras Album in your inventory.
Go inside of Squallmart and get something for your house, we don't need much. You should have enough money for Basic Walkway ($10), Basic Fence ($30), and Garden Flowers ($20). If you don't have enough money go to the Estero Park and look for talismans. It doesn't take much to impress Alia. Don't worry about the prices for other things. As you progress you will find better Talismans that will sell for more money.
Go Home. Looking better already.
Use your phone to call Alia for a Booty Call. This does not count as an actual Booty Call with Alia.
Scene with Alia.
Go to Estero Park, we need to find some Talismans to earn some cash. We need $60 to purchase the Field Guide.
Click on any sparkles you find.
Follow the "Goons" west.

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While the park ranger is distracted pick up the Shovel Shaft and any sparkles.
You will now be able to access this area and not be turned back by the park ranger.
Head north (Up).
We have to wait until we get some gear to deal with the scorpions, otherwise we'll get stung and have to visit the doctor, and we don't have insurance yet.
Go back to the Park entrance and then east (Right).
Go into the Cave.

Pick up the Small Screwdriver.
Clare solo scene.
Continue entering the areas you have access to in the park until you have enough Stone Talismans to get you a total of $60.
Go to the Library and sell the talismans to Diana.
Go to Squallmart.

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Purchase the Field Guide for $60.
You will now start finding Jade Talismans.
Go to Estero Park.
Continue entering the areas you have access to, until you find a Jade Talisman.
Go to the Parlor.
Give the Jade Talisman to Pricia.
Scene with Pricia and earn first heart.
Gain a 60 second Awareness bonus. This is shown by the countdown timer in the upper right corner of the screen. You will want to give Pricia one of each level talisman that you find as the bonus increases with each talisman level.

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Go to Estero Park and look for talismans until the timer runs out.
Go to the Library.
Sell your talismans to Diana.
Go to Estero Park.
Go West (Left).
Go North (Up).

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Grab the Chest Key, you will get stung by a scorpion.
Go to Squallmart.
Depending on your cash purchase the following, in this order, if you run out of cash you'll have to search for more talismans to afford the rest.

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Insurance ($60)
Metal Detector ($70)
Lighter ($40)
Shovel Head ($80)
Once you purchase the Metal Detector you will start finding coins.

The small piles are only worth $5, the larger piles are worth $100, and there are even larger piles that you will find. Like the sparkles pick up any money you see laying around and they don't disappear if you don't collect them, they just can't respawn.
Now that we have insurance, lets go see the Doctor about the scorpion sting.
Go to the Doctor's Office.
Talk to Ash outside the building.
Ash wants your help getting the Church Key.
Talk to the Receptionist.
Scene with Jessica.
You will now receive an Intelligence boost. Similar to Pricia the Intelligence boost will increase with subsequent visits. You will notice that this one is based on items and not time.
Go to Janet's Home.
Go upstairs.
Check on Kaley in the bathroom.
Kaley solo scene and earn Kaley's first heart.


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