[TC] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Xenforo 2

[TC] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Xenforo 2 1.0.0

[TC] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Xenforo 2.webp

Automated forum reply bot powered by ChatGPT.

  • Automatic replies in new threads
  • Automatic replies to bot message quotes

  • OpenAI API endpoint
  • OpenAI API key
  • OpenAI organization
  • Proxy for requests to the OpenAI API
  • Bot user
  • Global prompt
    The global prompt is passed with every request to OpenAI. For example, here you can set the behavior of the bot.
  • Forums in which the bot will work
  • Reply conditions
    • New threads
      • Quote
      • Any reply
  • Model
    The name of the chat model to be used.
  • Temperature
    Sampling temperature to use. Higher values will make the output more random, while lower values will make it more focused and deterministic.
[TC] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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