Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog Magazine

Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog Magazine 2.6.3

Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog Magazine.webp

Ncmaz – NextJs Headless WordPress Blog News Magazine is a JamStack website that will turn your boring WordPress site into a great NextJs website.

You still administer your site using the WordPress dashboard, but your users will read articles and experience user interaction on the site built by NextJs. NextJs provides fast page loading speed, great SEO, and interactive features that will help your users have a great experience.

  • Fast page loading speed.
  • SEO Friendly.
  • Log in, authenticate, and control permissions according to user roles.
  • WordPress CMS/Gutenberg blocks.
  • Save posts, Favorite posts.
  • Listen to podcasts/audio and preview videos right on the blog card. Slider gallery right on blog card.
  • Front-end Submission/Edit post.
  • Front-end Manage/Edit user profile.
  • Comment quickly immediately.
  • And more…
Key Features
  • 6+ Home Pages Demo
  • 7+ Single page style
  • Next.js v14.x
  • RTL supported
  • * _
  • Save posts, Favotire posts
  • Live listen to podcast
  • Live preview video on post-card
  • Gallery on post-card
  • Front-end submission post
  • Frontend manager/edit profile
  • Frontend manager/edit/delete your posts
  • Login, Registration feature
  • Built on the latest Tailwindcss v3.x
  • Dark and Light version
  • Built with Faustjs Nextjs Typescript
  • React HeadlessUI components
  • React v18.x
  • Typescript latest
  • Interactive and functional components and pages
  • Mordern Seach, archive and Single pages
  • Heroicons svg
Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog Magazine-1.webp

Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog Magazine-2.webp


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