iGuider - Webpage UI Help Tour

iGuider - Webpage UI Help Tour 4.5

iGuider - Webpage UI Help Tour.webp

An interactive, responsive, and smart guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3. Works great for dynamic pages, single-page apps, static pages as well as multi-pages projects.

All Features
  • Continue the tour after move to other page
  • Saving the progress of the tour after updating the page
  • Check conditions
  • Control the tour using the keyboard
  • Waiting for an item to appear
  • Control of message width.
  • Automatic generation of the start button of the tour.
  • Automatic generation of the list of tours
  • Tour Builder (Enables Generate your tour code in a user-friendly interface)
  • Chrome Extension (Gets an unique selector code for any element on the page)
  • Additionally present WordPress version of plugin
  • Multiple targets same time
  • Three shapes of highlighting: rectangle, circle and rounded rectangle
  • Templating
  • Styling
  • Processing code color in any format
  • Autopilot
  • Tracking position of the dragged element
  • Multiple pages
  • Ability to continue the unfinished tour
  • Smooth change of color and opacity for each step individually
  • Management from outside
  • The intro slide in center of screen
  • Displays the tour covers
  • Works with dynamic content
  • Works with hidden content (select, tabs etc.)
  • Localization (60 languages)
  • Different way of searching elements. Supports most CSS3 selectors, as well as some non-standard selectors.
  • Supports operating system “windows (7,8,10)”, MacOS, iOS, Android
  • Supports brousers IE 11+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari
  • 37 Positions’ Variants
  • Auto Positioning of Message
  • Detect Events
  • Trigger Events
  • Callback Functions
  • Map of All Steps
  • Control of Buttons Text
  • Scroll to Element
  • Highlighting of passed steps
  • Responsive
  • Compatibility with the “Select2” plugin
  • Compatibility with the “jQuery UI Tabs”
  • Compatibility with the “Bootstrap Collapse”


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