GPT AI Power - Complete AI Pack for Wordpress

GPT AI Power - Complete AI Pack for Wordpress 1.7.91

GPT AI Power - Complete AI Pack for Wordpress.webp

GPT AI Power is a complete AI package for WordPress. It is the most popular, WordPress-based open-source AI solution. It utilizes GPT-3.5, GPT-4, DaVinci and more to generate content, images, and forms with customizable options. It includes AI training, Chat widget, WooCommerce integration, Embeddings and more.

  • Content Writer
  • Auto Content Writer (Bulk)
  • Image Generator (DALL-E and Stable Diffusion)
  • ChatGPT – Fully customizable chat widget and chat bot with Chat logs and long term external memory.
  • WooCommerce Product Writer
  • AI Assistant (Integrated with Gutenberg and Classic Editor)
  • AI Training
  • Fine-Tuner
  • Dataset Converter
  • Audio Converter
  • Embeddings! Customize your chat bot with embeddings – Integrated with Pinecone vector DB.
  • Index builder for Embeddings! Convert all your pages, posts and products to embedding format with one click.
  • Content Builder, you can build FAQ and Knowledgebase.
  • PromptBase – hundreds of ready to use prompts
  • AI Forms – Design your own forms and embed them into your website
  • Playground
  • SEO Optimizer
  • Title suggestion tool for posts, pages and products.
  • GPT powered semantic search with Embeddings
  • Pexels integration
  • Scheduled Posts
  • Speech-to-Post
  • Model Comparison Tool
  • 40 langauge support
GPT AI Power - Complete AI Pack for Wordpress-1.webp

GPT AI Power - Complete AI Pack for Wordpress-2.webp

GPT AI Power - Complete AI Pack for Wordpress-3.webp


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