Expanded Category List Menus - Xenforo 2

Expanded Category List Menus - Xenforo 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
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Expanded Category List Menus - Xenforo 2.webp

By default, Xenforo displays category list widgets & menus in the collapsed view. This requires your visitors to click to expand category lists throughout your forum. This addon allows you to choose whether category list widgets should start in the expanded view.
  • Xenforo Media Gallery categories
  • Xenforo Resource Manager categories
  • Shop & ecommerce pages*
    Supports: DragonByte eCommerce & [XR] Product Manager
Installation & Use
Simple install the addon and visit the following page in your admin:
Setup -> Options -> [Nulumia] Expanded category menus
Then, simply check or uncheck the areas to apply the expanded menus!

Expanded Category List Menus - Xenforo 2-1.webp

Expanded Category List Menus - Xenforo 2-2.webp


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