Email Queuing Enhancements - Xenforo 2

Email Queuing Enhancements - Xenforo 2 2.3.0

Email Queuing Enhancements - Xenforo 2.webp

Enhances the XenForo Email queue with re-try logic and ensures both the front-end and AdminCP both send via the queue. Note; most email in XenForo 2 goes via the queue.

  • Email Queuing
Email Queuing

This addon ensures that the following email sources go via the email queue,
  • AdminCP - Email Users
  • Spam Cleaner
  • Email Confirmation
  • User Moderation - Approval
  • User Moderation -Rejection
  • Password Reset Request
  • Password Reset
  • Contact Us
Additionally, any addons which use XenForo's built in Mail object should also be captured.

Adds the following options under "Email Options"


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