D.C Style - Thumbnail - Xenforo 2

D.C Style - Thumbnail - Xenforo 2 1.0.5

D.C Style - Thumbnail - Xenforo 2.webp

As the previous versions of this add-on still have some errors and have some unrelated functions, we decided to remaster it. From now on, our "Thumbnail" add-on will only cover the thumbnail functions. The "Cover" add-on will be released soon.

Allow users to edit thumbnail images for their threads.
  • Customize thumbnail for each thread. Supports attachment images, external images, and thumbnail from videos on Youtube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion (updating…).
  • Allow custom upload thumbnail image.
  • Add og:image tag for Facebook sharing.
  • Supports permission for each member group.
  • Unzip
  • Upload all contents in upload folder to public_html folder
  • Go to AdminCP -> Add-ons -> Install
  • Go to AdminCP -> Options -> Thumbnail for configurations.
  • Go to AdminCP -> Tools -> Rebuild caches -> Rebuild thread thumbnails to fetch default thumbnails for all threads. This helps increase performance.
  • Go to AdminCP -> Groups & Permissions -> Group -> D.C Style - Thumbnail for permission configurations.
D.C Style - Thumbnail - Xenforo 2-1.webp

D.C Style - Thumbnail - Xenforo 2-2.webp


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