Dice Manager for XenForo 2. During Development I upgraded to XF 2.2 so I also used some of the new assets from XenForo, so that my AddOn is nor running on XenForo below 2.2.
If you still have the data from my DiceRoller from XF 1 in your Database, it will be upgrading all the stuff.
What you can do with this AddOn:
- Create multiple dice. Not only Numbers, you also can create dice with letters, numbers or - if you enabled the multibyte - add emojis to your die.
- Create rules based on checker classes
- and finally create a system with will contain one rule and one or more dice, specify if sums should be calculated and when a roll crits.
- Added deeply into XenForo with Admin Search, Statistics, Help Page, etc.
I add some Sample Import XML Files for dice, rules and some systems. For the start only english, german will come soon.
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