Apkbob - Simple APK Sharing Platform

Apkbob - Simple APK Sharing Platform 1.0

Apkbob - Simple APK Sharing Platform.webp

Apkbob is a simple APK sharing platform, for APK files. You can add APK files easily by dragging and dropping them anywhere or clicking .upload progress is visible and intuitive and uploaded APK files can be downloaded and every APK file uploaded will have a specific URL that can share anywhere. the interface is completely responsive and easy to use.
  • Server Requirements
    • PHP 8.1x
    • Operating System: Linux or Windows
    • Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
    • MySql: 5.7+
  • Required Upgrades
    • Enabling of allow_url_fopen
    • Increasing of max_execution_time
    • Increasing of max_input_time
    • Increasing of post_max_size
    • Increasing of memory_limit
    • Increasing of upload_max_filesize
  • PHP Extensions
    • BCMath PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP Extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • pdo_mysql PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension
    • cURL PHP Extension
    • GD PHP Extension
Apkbob - Simple APK Sharing Platform-1.webp

Apkbob - Simple APK Sharing Platform-2.webp


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