AndyB - Upgrade check - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Upgrade check - Xenforo 2 1.0

AndyB - Upgrade check - Xenforo 2.webp

Allows checking user upgrades using a CSV file as input.
This add-on can be used to check if paid club members from a WordPress or similar site are in sync with your forum information.


All phrases start with upgradecheck_ for your convenience.

How to use:
  1. Create a Custom user field which will contain your club members user ID.
  2. From WordPress or similar program, export a CSV file which contains your paid members user IDs.
  3. Place the CSV file in the /home/user directory
  4. Update the Options page.
  5. Run the Upgrade check by adding 'upgradecheck' to your forum URL.
Question and answers:
Q: Who can run this add-on?
A: Only the admin can run this add-on.

AndyB - Upgrade check - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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