AndyB - Country Flag - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Country Flag - Xenforo 2 1.9

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
  • Start date Start date
AndyB Country Flag - Xenforo 2.webp

Shows a country flag in the message user info block.

  • Members can opt-out of showing their country flag.
  • All phrases start with countryflag_ for your convenience.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/CountryFlag directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Setup step 1:
Create a /misc/ directory in your web root.

Setup step 2:
Copy the flags directory from the add-on folder to the /misc/ directory.

Setup step 3:
Get your Ipstack API key using this link:

Setup step 4:
Update the Options page with your Ipstack key.

Setup step 5:
Give User group permissions to view the country flag.

Setup step 6:
Run the Cron entry for the Country flag manually, this is only required upon initial setup. The Cron entry will automatically run once a day.

Questions and Answers:
Q: When I hover the flag with my mouse, the filename is displayed in English, can I phrase this to show the filename in another language?
A: No.


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where do i put the key ?? i don't see anything in andy flag country option to put the key.
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