AndyB - Content watch manager - Xenforo 2

AndyB - Content watch manager - Xenforo 2 1.1

AndyB - Content watch manager - Xenforo 2.webp

Disables content watch email notifications.
This add-on will disable content watch emails by removing the watch by email options and updating tables so that email notifications are changed to just alerts.

Setup step 1:
In the admin control panel you will want to set the following:
Admin control panel -> Setup -> Options -> User registration -> Default registration values

Setup step 2:
To update tables, you will need to add 'contentwatchmanager' to your forum URL. This will update the following three tables:
  • xf_forum_watch
  • xf_thread_watch
  • xf_user_option
Template modifications:
The following template modifications are applied.


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