SparkPost Mail Transport for Xenforo 2

SparkPost Mail Transport for Xenforo 2 3.0.2

SparkPost Mail Transport for Xenforo 2.webp

Adds a SparkPost mail transport option to have all mails sent via your SparkPost account.
This addon has full bounced email and unsubscribed email handling support using the SparkPost Events API - no mailbox required.

If you haven't already done so, you will need to configure a sending domain for your forum in your SparkPost account. It is highly recommended that you also set up a default bounce domain.
You will then need to create an API key with the following permissions:
  • Events Search: Read-only
  • Transmissions: Read/Write
Once you have your API key, change the Email transport method in the Email options page to "SparkPost" and paste your API key into the supplied box.

SparkPost Mail Transport for Xenforo 2-1.webp


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